A Partial List Of Products We Sell & Keep In Stock!
Boiler Control Service and Sales
Control Parts and Service
Wichita Burner offers boiler control installation and replacements for industrial and commercial boilers. Whether you are adding a new control or replacing a faulty component, we install all common operating and safety controls, including:
We carry hundreds of products from top-notch manufacturers in the industry. If we don’t have it, we can get it. We can be your single-source supplier.
Operating Controls
Single Boiler Master Controls
Low Water Cutoffs
Main Auxillaru
Oil Pressure Switches
Low Oil Pressure Switches High Oil Pressure Switches
Proving Switches
Combustion Switches Air Proving Switches
Pump Controls
Feedwater Pump Controls
Flame scanners Temperature Sensors Pressure Sensors
Pressure Relief Valves Gas Valves
Feedwater Pumps
Call Us At 316- 264-6816 For Any Other Parts Inquires